
Wifi sniffer mac address
Wifi sniffer mac address

wifi sniffer mac address
wifi sniffer mac address

Unsigned FEC_CODING:1 // if is 11n packet, shows if is LDPC packet or not. Unsigned HT_length:16 // if is 11n packet, shows length of packet. Unsigned CWB:1 // if is 11n packet, shows if is HT40 packet or not


Unsigned MCS:7 // if is 11n packet, shows the modulation and code used (range from 0 to 76) Unsigned legacy_length:12 // if not 11n packet, shows length of packet. Unsigned sig_mode:2 // 0:is 11n packet 1:is not 11n packet Signed rssi:8 // signal intensity of packet Setting up your Raspberry Pi Prerequisites: A class 4 Micro SD card of at least 8GB size A Raspberry Pi 3 board (obviously, but you can also do the same with a lower model Pi along with a wifi. String temp_url = "" // Url with information A simple HTTP and HTTPS sniffing tool created using Raspberry Pi (only for educational purposes) All the relevant files can be found on my GitHub repo. String main_url = " // Website url to post the information Sniffs WiFi Packets in promiscuous mode, Identifies Known Mac addresses and keeps track of how long they have been in proximity.


Here is my code(srry for any rubbish coding on my side): #include // added thisĬonst char* ssid = "**********" // Wifi SSIDĬonst char* password = "**********" // Wifi Password What I've found is that it has to switch both somehow, but unfortunately I'm not a ESP expert and don't know how this can be done. I know that the STATIONAP_MODE do have some flaws. None of them worked for both sniffing and http request at the same time. I tried using different WIFI modes: STATION_MODE, SOFTAP_MODE, STATIONAP_MODE. I've tried to combine those two and in the callback function make the ESP send the found data, but doesn't look like the ESP establish the wifi connection. So fare I've found this, script that prints out the mac adresses for nearby devices, created by kalanda: esp8266-sniffer.Īswell as this HTTP posting script ESP8266 http get requests. I don't care at all about the packets content just the mac addresses. Then in the future, trigger certain tasks like turning on/off the lights if we're home or not. All it takes for that is having the wifi turned on, so while my data is secure, I still want to protect what little privacy I have left and will be turning wifi off. With purpose is to record when my roommate and I are at home. Trust me, I’m as paranoid as it gets, so I was pretty upset when this 60 device found my mac address and started logging my secure wifi polling. I'm trying to make my ESP8266 sniffing nearby devices, then posting them by with a HTTP request.

Wifi sniffer mac address